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The Catholic Church believes and teaches that marriage is a sacrament, a symbol of the love of Jesus Christ for his people, the Church.  As a sacrament, marriage is also a covenant by which a man and a woman establish a partnership of the whole of life.  Marriage is also ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children.  It is meant to be a life-long commitment, until death. Catholic parishes have the responsibility of assisting couples to understand and to prepare for the responsibilities of the sacrament of marriage.  With that in mind, we offer the following information and guidelines.

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Can we get married at St. Joseph?

Any couple, willing and able, who wants to form and sanctify their family and wants to work together can get married at St. Joseph. The groom and the bride must be free to marry.

Image by Mike Tinnion

What's next?

Where do we start?

Go to the Parish Center and make an appointment with one of our three Priest. You can learn more about our Priest by clicking here. The priest you make your appointment with is the Priest that will preside in your wedding.


Do we have to attend a retreat?

The Archdiocese requires all couples to attend a marriage preparation retreat to help them form a healthy marriage, learn more about each other, and important tips that each relationship needs to build a successful marriage. If you are still dating, you will need to attend an Engaged retreat. If you are already civilly married (or living together), you can attend the parish process of Convalidation (Spanish only) or a weekend for a renewal of Marriage Encounter


When should we submit the documents?

Generally, all documents are presented to the Priest who will prepare you for marriage during the first months.


Image by Annie Theby

When can we reserve the date?

Each couple is unique, with different hopes and needs. The marriage process lasts at least six months. After the third interview, the priest will authorize you to reserve a date. A wedding lasts an hour, but marriage is for life; therefor, we are dedicated to your marriage preparation with Christ.

Image by Benita Elizabeth Vivin

What times are available for weddings?

Weddings are held on Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 pm. They can also be done from Monday to Friday between 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please note that parking is limited during school hours. We do not celebrate weddings on Sundays.

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What is the suggested donation for a wedding?

Lack of money should never impede you from not receiving the Sacrament of Marriage.

  • $700.00.


Donations do not include music. For an additional donation of $200.00, the parish can provide music in English and / or Spanish through a Cantor and pianist. You are welcome to bring your own musicians as long as they respect the liturgical rules. There is a $75 bench fee for bringing outside musicians.


Image by Joel Muniz

What if I am missing a sacrament, can I still get married?

Yes! You can be a candidate to RCIA or Seed of the Kingdom to receive your missing  Sacrament and, at the same time, begin the process of preparing for marriage with a priest.

Image by Claire Abadji

What if I am going to get married at another Parish?

We are happy to help prepare couples even if they want to get married in another Catholic Church. The wedding preparation is the same as stated above. St. Joseph Parish will send all required pre-nuptial documents to the Church where you plan to get married.

Virtually visit our Church

Here is a 3D tour of the inside of our Church


Mass Planning

Once your wedding date is confirmed, you'll get a code to login and start planning your Wedding Mass.

Fill out this form for more information

We will get back to you shortly!

A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

© St. Joseph Church 2020

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11901 Acacia Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250

Phone: (310) 679 - 1139

Fax: (310) 679-3034


Parish Center Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:15 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

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